One less trip around the house.
What would it mean to cut an entire step out of exterior wall construction? A full day saved? Two days? More?
Cutting project timelines is critical to sales and profitability. Multiply the effect of fewer construction days across all projects in your 2019 pipeline. You may be talking weeks, even months of cumulative production savings.
A new class of one-and-done insulated structural sheathing that complies with the 2018 International Energy Conservation Code (IECC Table R402.1.2 – Insulation and Fenestration Requirements By Component) now helps home builders close projects with unprecedented speed.
New Normal
Complying with the code’s moisture/vapor, air, and continuous insulation requirements makes for a tighter, higher-performing building envelope. But asking framers to make multiple passes around the house may not be the best use of their time, especially when alternative methods have been proven in tens of thousands of U.S. homes.
Charlie Devine of Afton, Minn. has closely observed the slow but determined transition to a more streamlined home building workflow. “You’re seeing many within the building supply chain adapt to a new normal. We can cut construction time by two or three days in many cases,” says the national accounts and energy advisor to OX Engineered Products.
Surprise Benefits
Devine understands why some balk at a one-and-done approach. Structural insulation costs more. However, the extra investment quickly fades when weighed against a traditional multi-pass approach. “When you examine the dollars, structural insulation is the better buy. See for yourself. Run your own numbers. The financial benefits are substantial,” he says.
There are also less-publicized benefits home builders can overlook. Take material weight. “We manufacture a structural insulation product called OX-IS. OX-IS is about 1/3 the weight of OSB. That translates into about 2-1/2 less tons of house weight. Less weight could mean a happier, more productive staff,” Devine explains.
The insulation side is similarly intriguing. “Exposed studs and headers are thermal bridges that undermine HVAC efficiency and owner comfort. Continuous insulation pays for itself from day one by sealing-off thermal bridges,” explains Devine.
Nearly 500 Homes a Week
Skeptics may wonder how a lightweight, all-in-one structural insulation panel can address so many exterior wall performance issues. “OX-IS structural insulation was used on tens of thousands of houses last year alone. Structural insulation has been around for more than 50 years,” adds Devine.
For an industry eager to meet aggressive project timelines, it’s good to know there are proven sheathing alternatives that help streamline workflows. To learn more about all-in-one sheathing alternatives, visit www.oxep.com